Watch John Bell talk about how overwhelming retirement can be if you don’t have a purpose.

You’re starting families and businesses, but you also may be dealing with student loans and other challenges as you’re gaining experience and wisdom in your career. Are You a Success Builder?

Great businesses realize their employees are their most valuable asset. Are you a leader looking to add value to what your company offers?

When the decision comes to sell or transition your business to the next generation, you soon realize that success and fulfillment are not the same. Are you an “Outrepreneur?”

Retirement is a word that needs to retire. Life expectancy has risen along with opportunities. Golf and traveling just isn’t enough. Do you find yourself asking, “what else is there?”
John Bell Television Segment
The Four Key Foundations of Life
The LifeMethod™ is a process that allows you to navigate successfully through life by providing clarity of personal vision, value and purpose. It replaces anxiety with confidence and dread with hope. Through a structured approach, a LifeMethod™ Coach works with you to confront and eliminate chaos in your life that’s triggered by sudden, unexpected life-changing events or by the steady stream of day-to-day pressures. As you gain a better understanding and appreciation of who you are, The LifeMethod™ takes you on an enriching journey to develop a set of possibilities in four key foundations of your life – personal, professional, financial and spiritual. As a result you will have composed your personalized set of meaningful, achievable life objectives supported by an action-oriented roadmap.